This branding exploration involved the solo completion of a branding campaign for fictional NPO Civic Choices (see the RFP and explanations below). This project is presented from a top-level view, only presenting elements indicative of the direction of future development. Due to the limited time in which this project was to be completed, there are few roughs to show. If nothing else, this is a sample of what can be done when conducting solid market research and applying it directly to near-final productions.
The RFP for this project reads as follows:
The American Democracy Foundation is a charitable fund for the promotion of democratic participation. They are developing a multimedia campaign to educate the public on civic operations to fill the void left by the lack of civics education in public schools. The goal is to increase participation of average citizens who have little time and resources to maneuver the tangled government systems that they are expected to understand and utilize. “Civic Choices” is a campaign designed to educate citizens on local, state, and federal government functions and guide them through when and how to properly access appropriate agencies. Over time, the campaign and its tools empower average citizens to understand issues pertinent to them and their community. The target audience is anybody who has a need or desire to know more about the nuances of navigating American government systems.
The Visual Brand
Animated Logo
The animated logo seen in the samples below draws from and reinforces the concepts of togetherness and forward/upward mobility introduced by the logo design. The samples seen here are meant to showcase the versatility of color palette use across a spectrum of motion video backgrounds.
Much of what’s seen here is intended for business use: inter-office communications, investor relations, etc. As such, the tone of the materials is made more subdued, but still retains the core concepts developed for the brand’s visual identity. This is a small sampling of the potential stationery-like collateral that would be necessary, but is indicative of the overall direction for these kinds of necessary assets.
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